Archive by Author

Clever Ideas: UL Label Kits

The Perfect Label

I recently worked with a client who needed multiple UL labels to properly mark a product his company built on a production line. He admitted he was in a rush because they had forgotten to reorder one of the labels, and they were now nearly out. After helping him with his immediate need, I circled back a began discussing […]

Choosing the Right Material

Label Material

I’ve heard it a lot from prospective customers: “My last label didn’t stick…it just peeled off” or “We can’t read our old label–it just didn’t hold up.” Why is this? In a lot of cases, it was because the correct material wasn’t used. There are many instances where a label company funnels a project towards their […]

Understanding Surface Energy

Surface Energy

Surface energy…what is it? When talking about UL or other compliance labels, you’ll hear people sometimes say things like, “The product material has a low surface area.” or “This adhesive only works on high surface energy applications.” What are they talking about and how important is it? First off what is surface area? It relates to […]