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Archive | UL Marks

Welcome to the riveting world of UL logos…seriously.

The UL Database Test: Are Your Labels In Compliance?

Print Station

UL labels need to be provided by an authorized provider. But did you also know that there is more than one type of UL authorization…and that there really is no cross over between the different types? Yikes! Understandably these different types can lead to all sorts of compliance issues1. Well, thankfully UL offers a database tool […]

7 Quick Tips for UL Labels

Labels on conveyor

Here are some helpful tips I’ve compiled over the years working with companies to produce their Underwriter’s Laboratories labels: (1) Do sweat the details: There’s a lot of details and jargon–but they are important. For example, did you know the difference between PGJI2 and PGJI8 compliant labels is literally a country (USA versus Canada in this case)? […]