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Archive | Follow-Up Service

The name for the umbrella program that maintains the integrity of the UL mark. Not nearly as exciting as bottle service.

UL Label Development Path: Type R Follow-Up Service [UPDATED]

Print Cylinders

Update: UL has revised their Printing UL Marks document to version 6.0. This change includes references to the new enhanced marks. More importantly, it also made a fairly significant update to the authorization path for Type R Marks. UL has explicitly stated that it will no longer review artwork submitted from label printers–only the end user of the labels. […]

7 Quick Tips for UL Labels

Labels on conveyor

Here are some helpful tips I’ve compiled over the years working with companies to produce their Underwriter’s Laboratories labels: (1) Do sweat the details: There’s a lot of details and jargon–but they are important. For example, did you know the difference between PGJI2 and PGJI8 compliant labels is literally a country (USA versus Canada in this case)? […]