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The shape of a Tetris piece. Also a category of Follow-Up Service.

Choosing the Right Material

Label Material

I’ve heard it a lot from prospective customers: “My last label didn’t stick…it just peeled off” or “We can’t read our old label–it just didn’t hold up.” Why is this? In a lot of cases, it was because the correct material wasn’t used. There are many instances where a label company funnels a project towards their […]

Enhanced Marks Means New Approvals Process


New Enhanced Mark? Check. New approval process? Also check…typical UL. As UL has started to push out it’s new Enhanced Mark, I’ve started to see more questions and confusion in the marketplace about how to actually get the new artwork approved. Mainly the problems are with the companies who are starting to use the new system. […]

7 Quick Tips for UL Labels

Labels on conveyor

Here are some helpful tips I’ve compiled over the years working with companies to produce their Underwriter’s Laboratories labels: (1) Do sweat the details: There’s a lot of details and jargon–but they are important. For example, did you know the difference between PGJI2 and PGJI8 compliant labels is literally a country (USA versus Canada in this case)? […]